The Coordination and Support Action (CSA) Building a European strategic Research and Innovation Area in Direct Synergy with EU and International Initiatives for Pandemic Preparedness (BE READY) responds to the call HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04-06 “Building a European partnership for pandemic preparedness”. The future European partnership for pandemic preparedness aims to improve the European Union's preparedness to predict and respond to emerging cross-border health threats by better coordinating funding for research and innovation at EU, national (and regional) level towards common objectives and an agreed Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). |
Our Objectives
BE READY’s main objective is to establish a consolidated research and innovation framework that provides the foundation of the expected future European partnership for pandemic preparedness. The design of a multi-annual SRIA, based on common objectives for research and innovation in pandemic preparedness, will be the cornerstone to support planning and investing in research and innovation before a health crisis occurs and foment dialogue and collaboration to support international and national research plans and infrastructures. For this purpose, BE READY will pursue the following six main Specific Objectives (SO) as the foundation of the project’s development throughout its activities and results:

ENGAGE with all prospective partners of the expected future partnership to support alignment on its scope, common objectives, governance and ways of working/operationalisation.

ELABORATE an innovative and visionary Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for pandemic preparedness ensuring a cross-cutting, interdisciplinary Global Health and One Health approach.

CONSOLIDATE the future European partnership for pandemic preparedness.

ENSURE complementarities, coordination and collaboration with HERA.

INVOLVE relevant stakeholders and initiatives in the area of pandemic preparedness, ensuring collaboration and coordination, and avoiding duplication; e.g. GloPID-R, WHO R&D blueprint, ACT-Accelerator, G7/G20 Health WGs, etc.

RAISE AWARENESS of the importance of increased pandemic preparedness both outside and during epidemic/pandemic episodes.