



BE READY PLUS is shaping the future of Europe’s pandemic preparedness, building stronger research networks and uniting nations to ensure rapid and effective responses to future health crises.


BE READY PLUS, funded by Horizon Europe, is a vital step towards a more coordinated and prepared Europe. Building on the successes of the initial BE READY initiative, this one-year project aims to broaden the participation of EU Member States and Associated countries. It will also establish the operational framework for the future Partnership, ensuring a smooth and swift start while paving the way for future developments.

Project Goals and Objectives

BE READY PLUS focuses on laying the groundwork for a European Partnership dedicated to pandemic preparedness. Its key objectives include:

  •   Enhancing the Research Framework: Defining operational procedures and governance for the future Partnership

  •   Preparing the Launch of Joint Transnational Calls: Preparing the infrastructure to swiftly fund pertinent, collaborative research

  •   Strengthening Networks: Establishing sustainable networks of clinical study sites ready for rapid response

  •   Encouraging Collaboration: Connecting research communities, policymakers, and stakeholders to ensure a unified, holistic approach

  •   Dissemination and Communication: Promoting awareness and engagement through tailored communication strategies.

Partners and Consortium

The BE READY PLUS consortium is led by the ANRS | Emerging Infectious Diseases / INSERM (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research) and comprises 31 participants, adding 10 partners and 5 countries to the existing BE READY consortium. By broadening participation, the project fosters inclusivity and ensures a diverse range of expertise.

Meet our partners
•    ANRS Infectious emerging diseases (ANRS MIE / Inserm)
•    Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
•    Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (CNR)
•    Istituto Superiore Di Sanita (ISS)
•    Osterreichische Agentur Fur Gesundheit Und Ernahrungssicherheit Gmbh (AGES)
•    Vlaams Gewest (VLO EWI)
•    Federal Public Service Public Health, Food Chain Safety And Environment (FPS HEALTH)
•    Statens Serum Institut (SSI)
•    Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt EV (DLR)
•    Semmelweis University (SE)
•    Université du Luxembourg (
•    Laboratoire national de santé (LNS)
•    Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)
•    Medical University Of Bialystok (UMB)
•    Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA)
•    Vetenskapsradet - Swedish Research Council (SRC)
•    Zorg Onderzoek Nederland (ZonMw)
•    Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
•    Universiteit Antwerpen (UANTWERPEN)
•    Inserm Transfert (IT)
•    United Kingdom Research And Innovation (UKRI)
•    Agencia de Investigacao Clinica e Inovacao Biomedica (AICIB)
•    Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)
•    General Secretariat for Research & innovation (GSRI)
•    Hellenic Pasteur Institute (HPI)
•    Helsinki University Hospital (HUS)
•    FVR - Finnish Vaccine Research Ltd. (FVR)
•    Innovation Agency Lithuania (IA Lithuania)
•    The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK)
•    Department Of Health And Social Care (DHSC)
•    Health Research Board (HRB)

Our Approach

The observatory in BE READY PLUS will be broadened to include more countries and information on our approaches. BE READY PLUS incorporates the One Health approach, recognizing the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health and places emphasis on Public Health, Social Sciences and Humanities in pandemic preparedness. By engaging experts with diverse, interdisciplinary background, the project ensures a comprehensive approach to pandemic preparedness. Collaboration with key EU bodies like HERA, DG RTD and DG SANTE will strengthen synergies and ensure alignment with existing initiatives to avoid duplicating efforts.


Here you will soon find our public deliverables and publications.

Contact Us

For more information about BE READY PLUS and how to get involved, please contact us: