Work Package 5 - Preparedness and Response Observatory

23 Nov 2023 in

The observatory that has been developed by WP5 will be a valuable source of information for analyzing and understanding #Research and #Innovation (R&I) mechanisms. The information in the observatory can support measures that are required to address health crises at different levels. It can be used as a source of best practices, to identify gaps, and inspire others. The information collected will also support the development of the BE READY strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA) see WP3.

The observatory will provide an inventory per country of R&I policies and strategies, infrastructures, budget mobilisation mechanisms & funding sources with respect to pandemic preparedness and response at both national and regional level. It also gives an overview of R&I actors, authorities & activated processes in case of a health threat within EU Member States and Associated Countries.

The country profiles within the observatory are based on a questionnaire and desktop research.

As the information regarding R&I pandemic preparedness and response is continuously evolving, country profiles may be updated.

The first country profiles are available on the BE READY website.